Friday, December 4, 2009

This Christmas, be safe kids....

I love Christmas, it's all presents and cheer. Perhaps best of all, it's the perfect excuse to shelve that diet (not that I have ever been on one) and go "wild in the aisles" overindulging wherever possible. Good food and great drink.

I am lazy. Put a few drinks in me and a three course meal and the last thing I want to be doing is trekking through the rain to find that my bus won't be turning up for another 15 minutes and get on, only to find that it is terminating early at Elephant. Gaaargh!

So I opt for a cab. But black cabs aren't always around, especially around Christmas time where its elbows at dawn to get one with its hallowed yellow lights on. This is where the danger lies....

So kids (at Christmas, we are all kids), be Cabwise and take the safe way home. Don't risk taking an illegal cab. Always use a licensed minicab, taxi, nightbus or the Tube to get home.

Find out more information at the Cabwise site from Transport for London

Oh, and Merry Christmas :)


Kang said...

Euwen - Is this post part of a online sponsored campaign?

tehbus said...

They approached me to promote the video on a pay per play basis, but as I believe quite strongly in the cause, I said I would happily post it for free.