Sometimes I despair that I started this blog. I dream of the days that I can go out and enjoy my meal without worrying about whether I have remembered my camera or whether it is fully charged. I remember when I once howled in anguish upon discovering that I had forgotten my camera completely and bugged me throughout a rather excellent meal at Trinity (I rectified it and returned to give it the write up it deserved). Bad times.
I was about to do the unthinkable. Having booked a place at Lex Cooks, you eat, run by a lovely trio of Aussies (although Lex herself has strong Romanian roots ;) ), I was considering leaving the camera at home, grab a bottle of wine and just go and enjoy myself. I just couldn't do it and brought it along anyway.
I think it's testament to what a fun night I had that I ended up with very few photos. The ones I did take were early on and before the hazy fug of the red wine mist descended upon my photography skills. Sharing a table with Carla from Can be bribed with food, Fernandez and Leluu and guests, a really enjoyable evening ensued. Starting with some pesto popcorn, we soon dug into a homely bowl of sweet potato soup with caramelised onions and a herb pesto. Sweet and light, all mopped up with some homemade bread.
The conversation flowed as did the wine, and by the time the main of duck stuffed with amaretti and blood orange salad arrived, the party was in full swing. This is the thing I love about supper clubs. You get to meet new people, you get to chat to the chef and I think the experience is second to none.
By the time the trio of desserts arrived, we were all stuffed although I still somehow managed to stuff my face with about three portions of the walnut and sour cream cake. A great fun night and comes highly recommended!
Lex cooks you eat - Somewhere in NW London.....
I envy you! Can't wait to go back to Lex's supper club.
Maybe she will prepare pork (considering the Romanian roots :)).
And the time you almost cried cos you forgot your SD card but somebody came to the rescue?? ;)
I hear you - many times have the restaurant been too crowded, or the atmosphere too cool to have me snapping away to 'showcase' the ambience - and thus of course, ruining it.
Aw thank you for such a lovely post! I feel bad that you felt you had to be on duty! But hope you got to relax a little - such a tough life, isn't it?!
Have a great weekend
Beautiful photos!
Sounds like fun. I would love to try Lex's supper club. Agree its nice to leave the camera at home at times, and just enjoy the flow.
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